Banish from Edoras
Bill the Pony
Boromir, Warden of the Tower
Dawn of a New Age
Dunedain Blade
Eagles of the North
East-Mark Cavalier
Eastfarthing Farmer
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
Errand-Rider of Gondor
Escape from Orthanc
Esquire of the King
Faramir, Field Commander
Flowering of the White Tree
Fog on the Barrow-Downs
Forge Anew
Frodo, Determined Hero
Frodo, Sauron's Bane
Gandalf the White
Gandalf, White Rider
Hobbit's Sting
Knight of the Keep
Landroval, Horizon Witness
Lost to Legend
Nimble Hobbit
Now for Wrath, Now for Ruin!
Protector of Gondor
Rosie Cotton of South Lane
Samwise the Stouthearted
Saradoc, Master of Buckland
Second Breakfast
Shire Shirriff
Slip On the Ring
Soldier of the Grey Host
Stalwarts of Osgiliath
Tale of Tinuviel
The Battle of Bywater
Took Reaper
War of the Last Alliance
Westfold Rider
You Cannot Pass!
Arwen's Gift
Bewitching Leechcraft
Bill Ferny, Bree Swindler
Birthday Escape
Borne Upon a Wind
Captain of Umbar
Council's Deliberation
Deceive the Messenger
Dreadful as the Storm
Elrond, Lord of Rivendell
Elvish Mariner
Gandalf, Friend of the Shire
Glorious Gale
Goldberry, River-Daughter
Grey Havens Navigator
Hithlain Knots
Horses of the Bruinen
Ioreth of the Healing House
Isolation at Orthanc
Ithilien Kingfisher
Knights of Dol Amroth
Lorien Revealed
Lost Isle Calling
Meneldor, Swift Savior
Nimrodel Watcher
Pelargir Survivor
Press the Enemy
Rangers of Ithilien
Saruman the White
Saruman's Trickery