Banishing Light Foil
Brave-Kin Duo Foil
Crumb and Get It Foil
Hop to It Foil
Lifecreed Duo Foil
Mabel's Mettle Foil
Mouse Trapper Foil
Parting Gust Foil
Pileated Provisioner Foil
Repel Calamity Foil
Star Charter Foil
Warren Elder Foil
Calamitous Tide Foil
Dazzling Denial Foil
Dire Downdraft Foil
Finch Formation Foil
Lightshell Duo Foil
Mindwhisker Foil
Otterball Antics Foil
Shore Up Foil
Shoreline Looter Foil
Skyskipper Duo Foil
Spellgyre Foil
Splash Lasher Foil
Splash Portal Foil
Thundertrap Trainer (Bundle) Foil
Thundertrap Trainer Foil
Waterspout Warden Foil
Wishing Well Foil
Agate-Blade Assassin Foil
Bonebind Orator Foil
Daggerfang Duo Foil
Feed the Cycle Foil
Glidedive Duo Foil
Nocturnal Hunger Foil
Osteomancer Adept Foil
Ravine Raider Foil
Savor Foil
Scales of Shale Foil
Stargaze Foil
Thornplate Intimidator Foil
Agate Assault Foil
Blacksmith's Talent Foil
Conduct Electricity Foil
Flamecache Gecko Foil
Frilled Sparkshooter Foil
Harnesser of Storms Foil
Hoarder's Overflow Foil
Might of the Meek Foil
Kindlespark Duo Foil
Quaketusk Boar Foil
Raccoon Rallier Foil
Sazacap's Brew Foil
Season of the Bold Foil
Take Out the Trash Foil
Bakersbane Duo Foil
Bark-Knuckle Boxer Foil
Bushy Bodyguard Foil
Druid of the Spade Foil
Galewind Moose Foil
Longstalk Brawl Foil
Peerless Recycling Foil
Rust-Shield Rampager Foil
Stickytongue Sentinel Foil
Sunshower Druid Foil
Three Tree Scribe Foil
Valley Mightcaller Foil
Camellia, the Seedmiser Foil
Cindering Cutthroat Foil
Mind Drill Assailant Foil